Looking forward to the 2024 session

I can't believe 2023 has already come to a close. The last few months and this year have been busy for me on all fronts. As I look back, and look ahead to another legislative session, there is a lot to reflect on and plan for.

Below I'm listing out some of my top memories as a Senator in 2023 - and a quick preview of what I've been working on leading up to the session!


On July 1, my rental fee bill went into effect. Since the the bill became law, it has been helpful for renters, community providers, and the landlord community to set more clear limits regarding rental fees.

The issue of "junk fees" in the rental market has also become a big conversation piece at the national level. The current administration announced actions to reduce junk fees in rental housing, and my bill was mentioned in testimony to Congress.


As federal funds for housing assistance timed out, I advocated for additional investments in rental assistance for families in our state.

Sure enough, when funds ran out evictions increased, and there is very little available in terms of a safety net for families. Unfortunately it looks like nothing on this will be done at the state level this year, but I will continue to talk about this important issue and hope that local governments will step up to the plate in the meantime.


I participated in the Youth Homelessness Fellowship with the National Conference of State Legislatures. Alongside other legislators from across the country, I learned about policies states can consider to ensure fewer youth enter homelessness.

Did you know that more than 50% of people who are homeless have spent some time in the foster system? Having a healthy, happy, trauma-free childhood is a major key to success - an opportunity many people don't get.


I have been working with developers this year to look at investments made with the $50 million investment into Idaho's Workforce Housing Fund, and discussing what's next.

All $50 million was used to create 1,156 units of affordable housing! Now that the funds are expended and demonstrated success, I hope the Governor and legislators will look at making additional and ongoing investments into this revolving loan fund.


As always, I've spent lots of time out in the community meeting with folks, speaking about my work, and learning a lot about what's most important to our people in my community. For me, this part of being a Senator is always a highlight!


I am looking forward to the next Legislative session which begins on January 8th. Follow along as I keep you posted on what's to come, and how you can get involved. There is a lot of work ahead of us!

During the upcoming session, I plan to continue to work on getting necessary investments in the Workforce Housing Fund, and will present a bill to seal eviction records in certain cases related to the inability to pay rent.

It has been quite the year for me personally and professionally as I’ve learned to balance motherhood and work. My job and work as a Senator continue to fill life with so much meaning. Plus, baby Miles is doing great and cuter than ever!

Our family enjoyed a wonderful holiday season with our families here in Boise, and we are sending warm wishes to you and yours in the new year.


Week 1-2 - 2024 Session


Housing assistance fiscal cliff